September 21, 2011

I'm a workaholic.

I admit it. When I am working I tend to let everything come in second after the job. Sure, I'll ask off for special stuff, or once and a while to just get together with friends, but I realized a while ago that I would often feel guilty for doing so.
Even  as far back as my first job I would do this. A 14 year old shouldn't feel guilty about taking off, right? Well I did.

I have had more jobs in 6 years than most people my age, I think, but I'm kind of proud of it.  Whenever I have a lull in between jobs I find myself restless, bored, staring off into space, and sometimes even getting a bit blue. I need to be busy with something important. Put me in charge, even better.

I am feeling sentimental this morning about past jobs for two reasons: first off, over the last few years - just like this year- I will find myself between jobs in September. I will be excited about a new and different job, but it will bittersweet leaving my old place.
Secondly, I am going to a job fair this morning, hoping to find a new place to become too attached to. 
Well, I do, you know.

I was also thinking a few days ago, as I stood in the gray, cold, mist waiting for the bus to come and take me home, what my favorite parts of all my last jobs. I turned down a job the other day (I know, I know, but really, It wouldn't have worked for me right now) and I wanted to figure out what it was that I really enjoyed and felt I could learn/do well, so that I could find someplace that would be right for me.  I have worked at a Bakery, Library, Bar and Grill, and Cafe.
Here's what I realized:
  •  I loved the walkie-talkies, greeting people, seating them, and especially liked being the one who told all the other hostesses where to seat people. (Bar and Grill)
  • I loved to help someone find a book, check books in, and prosses the books (Library (duh))
  • I loved the being in charge of pretty much the whole front of the house (cafe)
  • and I loved being in charge of the whole pastry case, and decorating cakes for the case. In contrast, I hated making cakes for orders. Really REALLY hated it. (Bakery)
So in conclusion, I like to be in charge, and boss people around. I also like to intereact with costomers.

I still don't know what my next perfect-for-me job will be, but I do know that I like to try new things. I tend to take jobs that are very different from each other, learning something completely new.

The picture above is from the movie Desk Set (1957)It is a favorite of mine for many reasons;

The fabulous clothes.

The fun gossip-y phone calls.

Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn
Christmas time Fun

I aways make sure I watch it around Christmas, becasue of the wonderful christmas part of the movie, compleate with outrageous holiday parties.

I totally need to go back in time at work at Desk Set for my next job.


  1. It's amazing that things actually come together when we work side-by-side, I'm surprised that we don't drive each other crazy with our 'take charge' attitudes!

  2. AHHH! I love this movie... Now I want to watch it, just so I can laugh when the earring falls off!
