Most of the time at work I am the only girl in the kitchen. There are two others, but they are both Pastry, and I am in what we call Savory. I'm not complaining though. It's quite fun. All of the guys have been very welcoming and nice to me. Case and Point:
The other day I was getting my cutting board - its a 4 1/2 ft by 1 ft. monster that attaches to my station on the line- from the dish room and noticed as I was walking out that it was still dirty. Hmm.
I metntioned it to one of the guys that was prepping food, and he grabbed it and marched it back in the dishroom, and started talking to one of the dishwashers. It was all in Spanish so I'm only guessing what went down, but I'm pretty sure it was something like this:
Guy:"Why does this lovely plastic cutting board have paper stuck to it and food stains?"
Dishwasher: "I saw them clean it the other night, do you need it now? What's it for?"
And then, the part that I did understand:
Guy:"Something something something la Señorita!"
Dishwasher:"Ah! la Señorita!"
He then grabbed it and washed it right away. No more questions where needed.
My main name here is Señorita. For real.
Haha, that's great!