March 24, 2012

In which I attempt the assembly of a Bicycle

I got a big box in the mail yesterday.
It goes to show how much of a kid I am that the first thing I thought of was how awesome a house it would make.

Well hello there handsome.

Two out of three is ok, right?

Ta DA!

Yeah, I'm sorry to say that that's as far as I got. Turns out you really do need all those tools. Who woulda' thought.

Stay posted for Part 2, which will probably feature lots of coffee, a toolbox, and phone calls for help. What it won't include: bicycle shorts. *shudder*

xo Happy Saturday.

March 22, 2012

Spring is in the Air. Literally.

The barista at Starbucks this morning told me that I (specifically my hairdo) reminded her of Paris. Morning Made. That's about the best complement you can give me. (It kinda looked like the girl above..)

The weather here in Chicago has been ridiculously beautiful. People are walking the streets with a kind of dazed look that I can only assume is a reaction to the weather.

I am at Work most of the week, and spring is out in full force.  These are some pictures that I took on my walk to church last Sunday:

An interesting fact about my walk to church. There is a little street that I have named Memory Lane, because I noticed something quite fun; the house numbers are years and as I walk down the sidewalk I go back in time. 2003, 1964, 1958, 1945, 1948, 1937, etc. Just thought I'd share. :)

When I got back to my apartement a few weeks ago look what had blosomed while I was gone:

My Christmas flower! 

Enjoy the weather! xoxo

March 8, 2012

There need to be 47 hours in a day

The next few weeks are going to be pretty crazy for me, with work getting busier each day and Finals just a week and a half away. I am so looking forward to the last week of March, where I will have TWO WHOLE days with nothing to do. Nothing.
That doesn't mean that I don't have things that I could do (like give my apartment the spring cleaning it desperately needs..) but I don't have to do it. I might just be lazy for two whole days.

So y'all probably won't be hearing from me for a while. Just know that I am doing well, and very happy, if not a little tired.
Love you.

March 3, 2012

Winter Blues?

I've got the cure.

Grab some lemons and make some citrus sugar! It's crazy easy and if it doesn't help I'm not sure how to help. I've never had a problem that food couldn't somehow fix.
Grate the skin of 2-3 lemons (wash them first please!) Try to avoid going too deep and hitting the pith. It's not that yummy.
Dump it in 4-5 Tablespoons of sugar and rub it together until the sugar starts to take on a pale yellow hue and the heavenly sent of lemons fills the air. 
Ta DA! Now store it in a cute jar and use it for whatever your little heart desires.

You can sprinkle it over fresh fruit.

Or just replace regular sugar in a recipe with it - like blueberry muffins.

Have a good lemon-y weekend!