February 8, 2012

A Story and Web Wednesday

Good Morning! Yesterday was a good day for me.  Monday wasn't.
I left class (Monday) feeling unappreciated and talked down to by Chef because it was midterms and I had trouble trussing my chicken. ME! I kinda maybe beat myself up about it and felt that Chef wasn't realizing how much talent and experience I have (amazing how big-headed a person can get, hey? Well, pride goes before a fall . . .)

Well, imagine my surprise then when he came over yesterday as I was taking my Baked Cheese Grits out of the oven and told me that Chef -----  (the head of All of my culinary school's Departments) was having a meeting with some VIPs and wanted some dishes to showcase. And would I mind if they used my grits?

So that class ended on a good note after all.

Not the plate that was showcased . . they whisked it away before I could get a picture.

Also, I've decided to try something new. Every Wednesday I'm going to (try to) share some favorite pictures and places of mine from around the web. I'm trying to get back in the habit of posting often, and will usually cover things like Food, Something Local, Vintage, and Fun.

Here we go!


Smitten Kitchen was the first food blog I was introduced to several years ago. She works in a teeny tiny kitchen in NYC and talks about food and her darling son.

Something Local.

 Charming French Bistro.


Fred and Ginger!

and Fun.

Sweet Fabric Alphabet

1 comment:

  1. Nice...
    Pride cometh before an... elevation?


    She had such awesome dresses.
