April 30, 2011

Mad Men

Hate the show, yet I love to Mad Men Myself. Try it, you'll see how addicting it is. It becomes even more fun when you start to make real people:

This is how I look when I roll out of bed. Beautiful, calm, not a hair out of place, coffee in hand. . . fully dressed . . .
Danny Kaye

 Ginger Rogers

 Bonnie . . .
. . . and Clyde

I could do this all day. (Or night).

April 29, 2011

Can I just say...

I know it's SO cliche of me to be gushing over the Royal Wedding right now, but I had to say this:

I LOVED Kate Middleton's dress. As soon as I saw it, I thought of Grace Kelly.

You be the Judge:





Lovely, lovely choice Kate.

Now everyone, go watch It Had To Be You, Royal Wedding, and High Society.

Happy Friday!

April 27, 2011

Pineapple Salsa

Speaking of summer, here's a super simple recipe. Pineapple Salsa. It can cure hunger, heal wounds, mend broken hearts...you get the idea. This stuff is amazing.

Here's what you need:

Cut the top and bottom off of the pineapple. Cut the rind off, and then slice the pineapple into rings quarter to half an inch thick.
Then lay flat, and cut around the core, as shown. Slice into strips and then dice.
Cut the tomatoes in half, remove the seeds (the pineapple is very juicy, you don't want any extra liquid), then slice and dice.
Mince the red onion and parsley.
Toss in bowl with lemon juice, salt and pepper.


Pineapple Salsa

1/2 fresh Pineapple
 3 medium Tomatoes
1/4 c. Red Onion
1 Tbs. Lemon Juice
Salt and Pepper to taste

Cut first three ingredients, toss in bowl with last three.
Enjoy with corn tortilla chips. Yum!


All the bushes around my house got little leaf buds last night. I love how spring always seems to come overnight around here.


I've been kinda blue lately. Being sick and stuck inside is always hard for me, and its been almost two weeks now. Looking out my window, though, is helping.


I have always found dark tree branches and trunks against misty green calming.

It reminds me to take a deep breath and remember that summer will be here soon.

Do you like the rain?

April 26, 2011

I have Wanderlust

I'm not sure if its a permanent condition for me or not, but its affected me my whole life. I'm beginning to doubt that it's something I will one day grow out of.
I came across this the other day and was amazed at how much it described me. That's how I feel. It usually doesn't matter where I am going, I just need to go. I want to see more. There's so much beauty out there, and so much to learn.
I was driving through southwestern Wisconsin a few days ago, and was pleasantly surprised at how beautiful it was.
Do you ever yearn to visit the places your ancestors came from? I do. This is Czechoslovakia.

And this is Switzerland

I don't mind getting lost. I enjoy it.

(Wanderlust photo from Anthropologie. Not mine.)

April 20, 2011

Spring is in the Air . . .

. . . Along with the latest cold virus.
Lovelies, I've been meaning to post for several days now, but I came down with a horrible cold, and haven't been up to anything, even blogging. And now I have lost my voice.

So until I'm feeling a bit more up to snuff, I'll just be sharing some Items of Interest from around the web (And talking about my pet fern. Sorry).

Such pretty, Spring-y shoe clips!

Tulip baking cups.

Cute, cute apron.

I suddenly needed it to be spring the other day, I needed to see green. So I went out the the local Garden Store and found a friend. Meet Fred, my new desk buddy. He smells nice. He looks good. He's the best kind of pet to have.

Have a lovely day, and stay healthy!

Sore throats really are the worst.

April 13, 2011

Hello, World

Nice to meet you.

I love food. I love making it, eating it, smelling it, writing about it... to the point where my family rolls their eyes when I start going on and on about how amazing this olive/swiss cheese/sourbread/yogurt is.

I also enjoy pretty things. Food, I think, should look as good as it tastes. I am drawn to beautiful pictures of food, or flowers, or other peoples houses. I like vintage stuff. Music, movies, mixing bowls, clothes; the older the better. I was born in the wrong decade. Sigh.

Alright, that's plenty about me for now. I'll be posting all sorts of odds and ends on here: food I make, stuff I find around the web, favorite old movies, my favorite apron of the week... (I have a weakness for vintage aprons)

So Welcome. See you soon.