June 24, 2011

It's Friday!

And I'm sharing some clever stuff from around the web. Because I am lazy and don't want to have to put too much effort into a post right now. Because my coffee hasn't quite kicked in yet. Because I leave for work in a few minuets and don't really have the time. 
And because I can.

First up!

June 20, 2011

Ice Cream. Cookie. Cupcakes.

My Sister made cupcakes for a picnic party we are having later today..but she forgot to put eggs in the batter. It's easy to forget small details like that, right? Riiiiiiight. (I'm not saying I'm better, though; I'm the one that put in a 1 1/2 cups of baking powder in a cake once, instead of 1 1/2 tsp. Heh.)

June 17, 2011

Lists, DampRid, Fishtail Hair, and Vodka

I'm in a weird mood today. 

Are you ever transported to another time when you smell something?
My room is underground, and its summer. Hello Moisture and dehumidifier working overtime. I hung some DampRid pouches, and every time I take a deep breath, I think its last year. (huh?)

I have so much to do before I move, and I can't get so much of it done until after my last day of work.
Here's a small list of a few things I have yet to do:

  • sand Table
  • refinish said Table
  • make pillows
  • shop for soap pump and other random things
  • finish quilt
  • get a manicure before my nails decide they can't take the abuse anymore and leave me
  • drink some more coffee and take a deep breath
 So what's going on in your life this summer?

I am tempted to dye my hair just so I can do this:

So pretty.

And if there is one recipe I am determined to make this summer it's this one:

June 13, 2011

A look into the Past

I am cleaning my room today, and doing some advanced packing. Why is it that on days when I plan on soaking up some sun it rains, and when I need to be in my room all day its sunny and warm?

So instead of getting the dust elephants out from under my bed, I'm on here. Brilliant.
I'm in a nostalgic mood.